🔔 Season of Joy — Days 3 & 4

Hi Everyone

New things are coming

We have exciting stuff going on in the background. We are almost ready to part the curtains. Almost. Watch this space.

Season of Joy Continues

We all need a bit more joy this season. Between the stresses of a pandemic and celebrating separately, this could seem a very dark day. But it doesn’t have to be. Spreading joy and light is the best we can do for each other.

So, the Season of Joy continues, with Days 3 Bubbling with Joy & Day 4 Snow Angel.

Our new tradition, of celebrating all the joy of the season, early and for everyone. This is our “Holiday Celebration” with you. Each day for twelve days, we will highlight another festive image and story. We are sharing to bring our joy to you and to those around you. Each day is a new breath of beauty and joy.

And they will be on Sale!

For their day, everything in that collection will be on 10% off; posters, cards, totes, laptop sleeves. For one day. A present a day just for you. Third and Fourth days of the Season of Joy 2020.

Bubbling with Cheer — Nov 28th

Celebrating is so basically human. Celebrating is so very intrinsic to all of us, but not always easy. I truly understand this. It is personal for me. I am disabled, with pain and autoimmune syndromes. Sometimes, amidst the pain and stress, it is the simple things that bring clarity and bring me back with a wash of joy and wonder. Find simple joys in your day and share them with everyone you love, by phone or zoom or mail. Personally, I wish you all the joy of family and love. Live to spread that joy.

Snow Angel — Nov 29th

The amazing innocence that strikes even the heartiest of men, when the flakes start to fall. The world stops for a moment when those large floating flakes start to fall. We all can join in the anticipation of changes to come. The amazing intricacy in this bloom is something to bring that moment to mind. You can hear the giggles and squeals of joy and wonder.

Help Us Help Others – Feeding America & World Central Kitchen

It has never been this bad… This is a 100-year flood of hunger.
— Oregon Food Bank's CEO Susannah Morgan


The number one worry on my list right now is food supply and making sure we have enough food to ensure that food is available to everyone who needs it.
Oregon Food Bank's CEO Susannah Morgan

Every day is Giving Tuesday at Cynthia Yolland — Slices of Beauty. We are giving to help those who are hungry. You can help us. Ten percent of our proceeds will go to help others. There is no joy when you are hungry. So, together we can share a bit more joy to those who need it most.

Oregon Food Bank is a part of Feeding America, which along with World Central Kitchen is our ‘Helping Others’ during November and December. Together we make a difference.

Breathe in all the joy this year. Share love and wonder, ever way you can.

Please send us your comments at info@cynthiayolland.com and follow Cynthia on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Thank you for your amazing support of Cynthia Yolland — Slices of Beauty this year,

Cynthia & George

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