Softest Center — Getting Dirty

Original Art pastel

I wish I could say my life is as stable and comfortable as this rose is.

It is so peaceful and reassuring.

Last year was a roller coaster of changes and more changes for all of us. We have all been under stress this last year. Fortunately, there are these wonderful things called adrenals. Adrenaline can keep you going against all odds. But what happens when they get tired and drained. Unfortunately, I know.

You spend all day, every day on the high alert “feeling” and simultaneously are feeling overwhelmed. My adrenals have been drained for years. Chronic pain can do that to you. So, I already jump at the smallest, unexpected noises. I wake at the smallest sound, in a panic. I had things that helped me stay calm. Until Covid messed with their availability.

So, when choosing a flower to get down and dirty with, on a day that was being especially overwhelming, I literally fell into the center of this rose. It wrapped me up in calmness and assurance. It just projects promise and peace.

Getting Dirty does help me release and concentrate. This rose needed all of me. It is a gentle rose with no harsh edges, soft colored with dramatic sweeps and delicate petals. Pastels love Loud colors and dramatic edges. So, the challenge was on. Just the beautiful light shades of pink, with their overtones, needed every part of me to jump in with a blue and then work my way out of it. That is the joy of Getting Dirty.

So, I present you with my best calming efforts. Join me in falling into this “Softest Center.

Meet the Maker

So many new people have joined this group recently, that I should do some introduction work. I am Cynthia Yolland. And yes, it is my artwork and photography. I am a Mother and Grandmother. I am a wife and caregiver for my 90 yr old Father. I also care for my 2 yr old grandson and a garden.

I am also disabled with chronic pain from a broken neck. Some days are very good. Some days are not. Chronic pain doesn’t overwhelm my life anymore, but the secondary affects do set the rules, even for my art.

I have been an artist most of my life when I could carve the time out. About 10 years ago, I wasn’t making any art. My life was ruled by pain. Controlling pain and my body’s reaction to pain was my only goal. I started taking pictures of the slices of beauty I found around me. I was taking them to have them as reference photos for painting, when I could again. Usually though, pain would overwhelm me, and nothing got painted.

So, I kept taking pictures. And kept taking pictures and kept taking pictures. I started posting pictures, with the goal of sharing the wonder and joy, even if only for a second. I started taking long walks and seeing all the wonder and joy in the yards around me. And long mornings in the International Rose Test Garden. I started posting every day. I had enough photos to keep it going, that was for certain. This last January I finally felt that my pain was not ruling my life anymore. The walks and the flowers are truly giving me a break from that.

So, I started painting and Getting Dirty. I am a physical artist. I love getting my hands on the color and in the art. I am having a wonderful time. I hope you are too!

My mission is to share the joy and wonder I find with you... And to Get Dirty!

 — Cynthia

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