🌟 Season of Joy Days 11 & 12

Season of Joy

Hi Everyone,

New things are coming

Okay, time for maybe a bit of a hint: After the Season of Joy, we don’t want the Holidays to be boring. So we have something for you to join in. There will be prizes.

Season of Joy Continues

Touch someone special today. Just randomly, pick a friend and send them joy. Spread the Joy as far as you can, because in 2020 we all need all the joy we can get. So, the Season of Joy 2020 Finishes out with our last two collections, Days 11 Strength of Joy & Day 12 Delicious.

And they will be on Sale!

They will be on sale, for 24 hours each. Everything in the collection. May I present the last two images of Season of Joy 2020.

Strength of Joy — Dec 6th

Dahlias are expressions of joy all by themselves. They stand up and stand out. This summer, like everything else about 2020, was different. Living in Portland this summer was different. Living with a compromised immune system, during COVID-19 was different. So, the joy of finding things that were not different. Things that stayed the same. Those stood out. And stood with dignity and beauty.  The pure joy of finding this huge plate-sized beauty standing tall in the sun, is something I had to share.

Delicious— Dec 12th

For the Final Day of our Season of Joy, we chose another Dahlia. A gorgeous red Dahlia, with all the petals and energy needed for all the up coming festivities. Thank you for taking this rise with us. I hope that our sharing has brought you some joy. Sharing with you has been the greatest joy for me. So, to finish off our celebration with a show of nature’s joy and love is only fitting.

I hope you have enjoyed our Season of Joy.

Thank you for making this year so much better than it could have been. Thank you for sharing in our joy. Please share it.

Help Us Help Others

It has never been this bad… This is a 100-year flood of hunger.
— Oregon Food Bank's CEO Susannah Morgan

Every day is Giving Tuesday at Slices of Beauty. Sharing beauty means so much to me. But sharing can’t stop there. Let’s make a difference every day. For so many 2020 has gotten darker and darker. We can help! You can help us. Ten percent of our proceeds will go to help others. There is no joy when you are hungry. So, together we can share a bit more joy to those who need it most. Feeding America, which along with World Central Kitchen are our ‘Helping Others’ campaign during November and December. Together we make a difference.

Breathe in all the joy this year. Share love and wonder, ever way you can.

Please send us your comments at info@cynthiayolland.com and follow Cynthia on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Thank you for your amazing support this year,

Cynthia & George

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