πŸŽ„10% Off All Holiday Cards

Hi Everyone,

Since the Holidays of 2020 are just a little different, most of our joy and love will be sent by mail, you can enjoy sharing Slices of Beauty with your loved ones. There are so many things that could slow your love from being delivered on time this year. So, to help your love and your cards get there on time, and to save a bit more for the Holidays, all of our Holiday Cards are 10% off.

Send your loved ones a Cynthia Yolland Card to enjoy. Spread the joy and love, one card at a time.

Helping Us Help Others

It has never been this bad… This is a 100-year flood of hunger.
β€” Oregon Food Bank's CEO Susannah Morgan

COVID-19 is stressing every part of our society. It is creating stress in every part of our lives. For those unemployed, this has been a year of overwhelming stresses. Our mission is sharing joy and beauty. What better way to share joy this season than to help those who need the most basic of needs: food. Β So, we are focusing on food insecurity during both November and December.

We are helping organizations that focus on food insecurity.

Hunger has no boundaries. It affects millions of children, seniors and households in communities across the country. That’s why Feeding America has programs to reach children, seniors and families no matter where they live …. Feeding America programs get food to people where they are and when they need it most.
β€” Feeding America

We are donating 10% of our proceeds to Feeding America and World Central Kitchen.

Help us Help Them! Everyday.

To start the Holidays right: We will be celebrating early!

Introducing our holidays celebration: The Twelve Days of Joy. Twelve days of introducing images and products. Twelve days of the stories of joy and love. Twelve days to celebrate together.

Look for day one coming soon.

Please send us your comments at info@cynthiayolland.com and follow Cynthia on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Also, please share our Holiday Cards with your friends and families.

Thank you for supporting us at Cynthia Yolland β€” Slices of Beauty.

Cynthia & George

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